Purpose of life
ji :
Few days ago i was thinking about the things are happening to me, the way I response to the events, situations, people, troubles and so on. I was terriefied to notice how different i am, as i wanted and i decided to be before.
Some time ago i decided not to be the same, i was sure about what i wanted in life, what was my purpose during this "earth life". But with the daily life - fast, busy, willing of success-... i just forgot about it. I started to establish new objectives, goals, some of them far or even oposite of the main one. My sight changed of direction, i mean i'm not looking anymore for the first purpose of my life.
I can see this because i don't see life as i used to. This might be the reflexion of one simple guy, one of the million citizens of the world, who see life's passing in front of him, showing the "splendorous", the magnificent things this world can offer: success, power, good-life, wealth. But this things are empty, at the end does not offer anything good to the man, but suffering...stress, waste of time, loneliness ...
I'm not saying people should have the attitude of a pey or lazy person towards life, but i try to explain the incongruity of my life: i'm totally sure about lasts statements, by experience i know what the world offers is just appariance, illussions which are merly thing built over nothing. Even though, i just let me conduce by the daily life, forgetting about the most important thing: my truly purpose of life.
My truly "Native country" is where i want to go. In order to get there i need to put my sight towards this, every single day, every single moment.
Do not forget for what have you were born Josue. To conquer the supreme good. the most precious of all.
Just try to do what you believe, what you want, what you are conviced of... and do it till the fulfillment of it. If is not possible, ask for help! but do not desperate, the recompense is bigger than the effort.
yeah-lately, I have also noticed that in my life. 4 days of “normal” life distinctly showed me how my decisions are weak. The events of each day just cover the target. And it shouldn’t be like that… The target should pierce all events. But... I think it's also precious moment- to see the truth about myself, to see how helpless I am. And here is the place for that what you have written "(...)If is not possible, ask for help! but do not desperate (...)"
Saludos :)
je, je, je, je. Yo no sé que decir. Quizás que "me uno al club".
Dado que yo también he perdido unas cuentas veces el propósito de la vida, i mean, el sentido final o para que suene más padre he perdido lo teleológico existencial. (teleológico es fin).
Pero creo que en mi caso, es darme cuenta que eso que me propongo no es una idea impuesta, un dogma o algo represor. Creo que es diferente. En mí es porque he descubierto el valor axiológico de la realidad. Es decir, te das cuentas qu hay mejores cosas. Que la vida no es propiamente neutra. Que entre una cosa y otra cosa, hay otra mejor que te muestra un camino.
Pero no vayas a pensar que esto que estoy diciendo es también una idea, sino que es más bien una experiencia. En mi caso, por ejemplo, yo he visto, y conste que dijo que he visto, los valores, el amor, la importante de la persona, lo rridectible que es.
Pero también, a pesar de que he comprendio esto, no falta la debilidad humana. Pero acuerdate de la misericordia. En sí, creo que es precisamente la misericordia la que da sentido a la vida. Además que la debilidad nos hace experimentar o ansiar de mejor forma otro valor superior. Heidegger decía que la experiencia de la nada nos abre al ser. Así con el mal, quizás nos haga anhelarlo el bien, tener nostalgía de él, que en el cristianismo se presenta en la persona de Jesús. Ya decían los antiguos: para conocer mejor una realidad hay que conocer el contrario.
Saludos !!!!
Y recuerda que el desnánimo no es bueno. La risa de uno mismo es lo mejor. El buen humor.
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